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Selectmen's Minutes 2009/03/23
7:00 PM Town Office Meeting Room
March 23, 2009

Present: Stephen White Chairman, William Roach Vice-Chairman, Emma Smith, Fred Gallup, Charlotte Brown, Donna Nashawaty Town Manager.

Also Present: Katie Richardson Intertown Record, Mike Durfor, Donna Gazelle, Suzanne Gottling, William Schaff, Nancy Clark, Robin Saunders, Gary Szalucka, John Mapley, Howard Sargent, Dana Ramspott, Betty Ramspott, Betsy Katz, Craig Heino.

The meeting was called to order by Stephen White, Vice-Chairman at 7:00PM.

Election of Officers
Fred Gallup nominated Stephen White as Chairman, William Roach seconded. 4 in Favor, 1 Abstained. Emma Smith nominated William Roach as Vice-Chairman, Fred Gallup seconded. 4 in Favor, 1 Abstained.

Public Comments
Robin Saunders wanted to thank the Board, Donna Nashawaty, Town Manager and Suzanne Gottling State Representative for their support with the Perkins Pond Program.
Donna Gazelle inquired if the one-way loop which was tabled earlier this year was going to be bought up this year.
Betsy Katz reminded the Board of the meeting on in New London regarding the Byway, which she will be attending, as will Tony Bergeron, Road Agent and Donna Nashawaty, Town Manager.  

Dana Ramspott-Old Town Hall
The Old Town Hall Committee would like to hold a farmers market in the Old Town Hall, hopefully this year. Motion to approve the Farmers Market in principal pending the costs, approval from Planning and Zoning by Fred Gallup, seconded by William Roach. All in Favor, Unanimous. Motion to waive all Planning and Zoning fees by William Roach, seconded by Charlotte Brown. All in Favor, Unanimous.
Donna Nashawaty explained to the Board of Selectmen that to spend the funds from the Trust fund the procedure is the same as the Beautification Oversight Committee. Craig Heino, maintenance has gutted the old Thrift Shop and in the process found mold in the ceiling insulation. He has received two bids. Trust fund request for the  following expenses: insulation $800.00, $2,000 mold removal, sheetrock $717.66 and electrical $2,395.00 for a total of $5,912.66. Motion to spend $5,912.66 for Old Town Hall renovations and comstruction by Fred Gallup and seconded William Roach. All in Favor Unanimous.

Chairman’s Report
Chairman White congratulated Betty Ramspott, Town Clerk and Tax Collector on her completion and graduation from the Certified Muncipal Clerk Program. In turn, Betty thanked the Board for their support over the last three years.

Howard Sargent-Hazard Mitigation Plan
The Sunapee Hazard Mitigation Plan is a planning tool for use by the Town of Sunapee in its efforts to reduce future losses from natural and/or man-made hazards. This plan does not constitute a section of the Town Master Plan, nor is it adopted as part of the Zoning Ordinance.
The following people participated in the development of this plan as the Hazard Mitigation Committee:
  • David Bailey, Sunapee Water & Sewer Superintendent
  • Anthony Bergeron, Sunapee Road Agent
  • David Cahill, Sunapee Police Chief
  • Donna Nashawaty, Sunapee Town Manager
  • Daniel Ruggles, Sunapee Fire Chief
  • Howard Sargent, Sunapee Deputy Fire Chief & Emergency Management Director
  • Jeremy LaPlante, NH Homeland Security & Emergency Management Field Representative
  • Victoria Davis, Upper Valley Lake Sunapee Regional Planning Commission
The Sunapee Hazard Mitigation Committee prepared the Sunapee Hazard Mitigation Plan with the assistance and professional services of the Upper Valley Lake Sunapee Regional Planning Commission (UVLSRPC) under contract with the New Hampshire Homeland Security and Emergency Management (HSEM) operating under the guidance of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
The scope of the Sunapee Hazard Mitigation Plan includes the identification of natural hazards affecting the Town, as identified by the Sunapee Hazard Mitigation Committee.  The hazards were reviewed under the following categories:

  • Dam Failure
  • Severe Winter Weather
  • Erosion
  • Flooding
  • Earthquake
  • Wildfire
  • Hurricane
  • Drought
  • Natural Contaminants
  • Tornado & Downburst
  • Extreme Heat
  • Hazardous Materials Spill
  • Thunderstorm/Lightening/Hail

The Town of Sunapee Hazard Mitigation Committee reviewed the hazard mitigation goals for the State of New Hampshire, and revised them for Sunapee.
They are as follows:
  • To protect the general population, the citizens of the town and guests, from all natural and man-made hazards.
  • To reduce the potential impact of natural and man-made disasters on the town’s critical support services, critical facilities, and infrastructure.
  • To reduce the potential impact of natural and man-made disasters on the town’s economy.
  • To reduce the potential impact of natural and man-made disasters on the town’s natural environment.
  • To reduce the potential impact of natural and man-made disasters on the town’s specific historic treasures and interests as well as other tangible and intangible characteristics which add to the quality of life of the citizens and guests of the town.
  • To identify, introduce and implement cost effective hazard mitigation measures so as to accomplish the town’s goals (above) and to raise the awareness and acceptance of hazard mitigation.
A copy of the plan is available at the Police,Fire,Highway and Water Departments, New London Dispatch, the Abbott Library and the schools. Howard commended the very talented people from town who put their heads together to come up with this plan.
Motion to adopt the Sunapee Hazard Mitigation Plan as presented by William Roach, seconded by Charlotte Brown. All in Favor, Unanimous.

Selectmen Action
Motion to approve the new Zoning Fee Schedule by Fred Gallup, seconded by William Roach. All in Favor Unanimous.
Motion to allow the Town Manager to sign lease agreement with Appleseed Cruise Property, LLC for MV Kearsarge by Fred Gallup seconded by William Roach All in Favor Unanimous.
Motion to approve the use of the bandstand by United Methodist Church for Easter Sunrise service by Fred Gallup, seconded by William Roach. All in Favor Unanimous.
Motion to approve the use of Sunapee Harbor by the Sunapee Police Benevolent Asso. for the 5K Fun Run by William Roach, seconded by Fred Gallup. All in Favor Unanimous.
Motion to sign the Municipal Work Zone Agreement by Fred Gallup, seconded by Emma Smith. All in Favor Unanimous.
Motion to accept and sign the annual liquor permit for the Anchorage Restaurant by Charlotte Brown, seconded by Fred Gallup. All in Favor Unanimous.

Chairman’s Report
Stephen White expressed his appreciation to the Board for their confidence in electing him Chairman and hopes he can gain their confidence further as the year progresses. Chairman White would like to change the format of the meeting so that the Public comments would come after the individuals who make appointments.Appointments will start at 7:00PM and public comments will follow. The change will start at the next meeting.

Town Manager Report
Motion to adopt the 2009 Pay Table by Charlotte Brown, seconded by William Roach.
Motion to move the question by Fred Gallup. All in Favor Unanimous.
Vote to approved the updated pay tables and job descriptions  All in Favor Unanimous.

Emma Smith read an very disturbing article regarding people who work in nursing homes. The article was written by a Senator from Wisconsin who wrote that the Senate Special Committee on Aging has estimated a cost of one hundred million dollars over three years for a program for who will work in nursing homes. The majority of applications come from people with a criminal past. The article told of a ninety year old woman who was raped by a caregiver with a criminal past in a nursing home. She’s concerned because the Sullivan County Nursing Home does have people with criminal background working there. Since Stephen White and William Roach were going to the County Commissioners meeting she would like them to discuss this issue.
Representative Gottling stated that background checks were done on the employees and inmates from the County Jail only worked in the laundry. She will find who from the County Jail works at the nursing home and under what supervision. Donna Nashawaty stated that the Town just received a registration from the State, that the cost of a background check has increased. The Town does background checks on Recreation Department employees, Firemen, and Police Officers. At the last Department Head meeting it was discussed if background checks should be done on volunteers and Library employees. It may bear further review. The school also does background checks on employees and volunteers. Donna said the Town needs a policy on people who work or volunteer with children.
Stephen White asked the Town Manager to get a list of  Board assignments for the next Board meeting.  

Motion to adjourn: Unanimous Meeting adjourned at 9:00PM

Submitted by,
Barbara Vaughn
Administrative Assistant                                        Approved:               

Stephen White, Chairman                 Charlotte Brown

William Roach, Vice-Chairman                                    Frederick Gallup

Emma Smith